“I have finally discovered what health feels like and I am so grateful”

“It is incredible to look back and reflect upon these last 6 months that I worked with Shannon and to observe the changes that I have made in my life and in the way that I feel. I have wanted to make significant changes to my health for quite some time but never knew quite where to start or how to stay on track. Shannon provided the framework and accountability in order to finally work towards my goals. She helped me to view my health from a holistic mindset and I was able to see how creating balance in multiple areas of my life affects my physical, mental and emotional health. Not only did I clean up my eating, improve my sleep, reduce anxiety, gain confidence and get on the path to losing weight and increasing energy but I also explored meditation, Ayurvedic techniques and pursued other interests that I wouldn’t have been able to create the space for previously. 

Shannon lovingly guided and encouraged me to trust my intuition and remember my “why” anytime I lost momentum or stumbled along the way. Shannon truly has a gift – she brings positivity, passion, and a wealth of knowledge to every session. With her guidance I feel like I have finally discovered what health feels like and I am so grateful to her for all of our time together working on my goals. I am so excited about continuing my health journey and feel so lucky that I got to benefit from Shannon’s expertise.”

—Kim G, Coaching Client


“I learned that I can find balance in any situation.”


“unique, powerful, and extremely insightful.”